Wu-tang Clan Official Wu Food World Movement Tv reality show! #SupportLife
I think we have a lot of Wu-tang lovers following our site so was sounding as just fair to make a post about a wonderful human initiative set up by Nataj Munford aka #HeadRahq #Wutang Clan Affiliate Universal Killah Beez 10th Chamber founder of the #wufood movement!
The aim of the movement is to provide people with no shelter and kids from the poorest areas in the United States and family with at least the minimum any children needs to grow up and learn!
Any action you would do to help them such as passing the word on what they are doing all days, every days or giving a bit either money or goods… would be more than appreciated. Remember none of us knows for sure what tomorrow is made oand it can happen to any of us to be into such a bad life situation.
Example of the goods the Wu Food Movement is needing:
– Warm winter clothes for adults and kids (Summer ones if accurate)
– Food (especially in cans, also water, eggs, milk etc well anything you would wish to give to someone needing it!)
– Toys
– Books
– School supplies for kids
– Blankets… and so on…
If you wish to help in any ways please contact Nataj Munford at Tajh38m@gmail.com
Do not hesitate neither to send us supportive pictures or videos!!!
T-shirts are also available check them out! and the price is 30 dollars which money is reversed to the movement for keeping buying what is needed to bring back dignity to people temporary in the need.